04 березня 2021

Не знаю, чи буде хто з молодшого покоління

згадувати коли про мене…
Але я хотіла б на це заслужити
Леся Українка
Учениця 7-А класу Шолохова Вікторія взяла участь у конкурсі «Лист до Лесі Українки», організованому кафедрою практики англійської мови факультету іноземної філології Волинського національного університету імені Лесі Українки.
Ми часто звертаємося своїм розумом і серцем до величавої постаті Лесі Українки, яка понад усе любила Україну й українців. Глибоке розуміння творчості, захопленість її талантом та силою духу, бурхливим потоком натхнення, блискучою панорамою образів, що розвертаються перед нами, спонукали Вікторію згадати та воскресити в пам’яті образ, який є життєвим дороговказом для всіх поколінь українців.

Dear Lesia Ukrainka,
I am really happy to write you this letter now, because you are a person who inspires, motivates and spiritually enriches. You were an extremely strong woman who wanted the best for your country and who was struggling with a serious illness, while writing ingenious poetry that will never leave anyone indifferent. It is a great pleasure for me to live with the thought that it was in my country that such a strong-spirited, positive woman-motivator was born, who was also a real patriot.
I am grateful to you for being able to glorify Ukraine all over the world with your unique work. You are an example for modern humanity, because you have in your heart something that will live forever. Your works and poetry are something special, they seem to have the smell of extraordinary feminine power, so reading them is a pleasure for me.
If I had the opportunity to meet you and talk to you, I would definitely ask about your childhood, and especially about my favorite poetry "How was a child ..." It was this poetry that became special and very close to me. While in kindergarten, I told it at an event dedicated to your birthday. In fact, the poem was close to me, because as a child I almost did not cry when I fell. This is where I saw the similarity of my character to yours.
I have a great desire to re-read the lines of your poems and immerse myself in all their beauty and depth, because reading your works, even the weakest becomes stronger and begins to believe in himself. I think I will definitely find in them something that I really need at the moment.
With respect and many thanks for your contribution to the history of Ukrainian literature. I am proud of you!
Best wishes
A graduate of the Lutsk educational institution
"Gymnasia № 14 named after Vasyl Sukhomlynsky"
Sholokhova Victoria